Thursday, November 17, 2005

Serving With a Clear Conscious

In one of his letters to Timothy, Paul writes Timothy and tells him, "I have served with a clear conscious". As I read this in my devotions this morning, those words jumped out at me. I sat thinking and asking myself, "Am I serving with a clear conscious?" My instant response to myself was, "Of course you are girlfriend." But, as is common for me, I began to work the question again and again, going over the details of my life and I must confess to you, I came up wanting (badly). In a few short moments my minded darted to and fro, hither and yon, and ran across a few stones that would likely have remained unexamined and unturned were it not for the reading of the Word of Life.

I suspect part of Paul's ability to be secure in his heart and mind, lay in His honest assessment of Himself. Paul didn't judge himself according to himself. I believe he saw himself clear as day. He never lost sight of who he was apart from relationship with his Redeeming Lord. In fact, Paul's own words were, "chief of sinners". From that humble position Paul did not neglect time with the Lord who saved Him. Night and day he prayed. Night and day! Therein lays one of my own revealed stones.
Pray with me dear ones as Father and I do business concerning the stones in my heart and life.
Praise God with me for His Word and its ability to over, over, over, and over lay truth before us in the Person of Jesus
Praise Him that in this walk of faith, the call to victory is a grace saturated process and I can, you can, serve Him with a clear conscious.

My Challenge For you Today:
Go before the LORD. Prostrate yourself before Him. Seek Him for anything that may hinder your time with Him and then seek to destroy that thing, no matter what it cost!
May we all be able to say with Paul, "I am not ashamed! I am serving with a clear conscious."


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