Sticks and Stones! Oh yeah, if you hit me with them that's going to hurt, but words could scar me for life!
Did you ever say something you wish you hadn't? Have you ever suffered from the old "Hoof in Mouth Disease"? It's not fatal to the carrier but could be to the recipient!
I wish I could say I never said the wrong thing or hurt someone with my words, but the fact is I have many times. Sadly enough some of the people I have loved and been the closest with in my life have been wounded by my words. Sometimes even the tone of my voice can affect those I speak to, giving the words a whole new hurtful meaning.
I once told my 9 year old son, who I love more than air!, that I would never, ever go away on a vacation without him. Then in a moment of anger I turned that promise into a threat and said: "If you don't stop behaving in this way, I am going away without you and you can stay home, etc...!"
Moms can sometimes break promises. But God never will. He promises in 1 John 1:9, that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Shortly after I realized what I did I humbly went to my son and asked his forgiveness, and thankfully received it, however I can never go back and not say it, or erase it from my son's memory. Rewind and pause just won't work with our words. The damage was done.
What about God? I asked for His forgiveness and very thankfully received it! Here's the part that will never cease to amaze me, not only has He forgiven, but He does not hold it against me, bring it up again and again or remind me from time to time. I am Forgiven. Not because I am sorry or have done something nice to make up for it, but because He has already done the "making up". He has been faithful to send Jesus to pay the penalty for me with His very own blood!
Nothing gets out the stain blood leaves behind, but HIS BLOOD takes away all the stains that sins leave behind.
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