God Himself
I was preparing a Higher Ground lesson from AW Tozer's book A 31-Day Experience The Pursuit of God when this quote stopped me in my tracks:
"My goal is God Himself, not joy, nor peace, Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God. 'Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His-'At any cost, dear Lord, by any road!'" F. Brook (pg. 141).
It caused me to pause and ask myself the question: Is my goal God Himself? If my goal is peace, joy and blessing I am setting my sights on the wrong thing. Are any of those blessings God graciously grants us wrong? Absolutely not but they are benefits of our relationship with Jesus Christ not the purpose for our relationship. If we pursue Christ, we will have peace, we will have joy, we will find blessing. Therefore we love God for Who He is not what He can do for us.
As we broke into small groups that night at Higher Ground we meditated on and discussed this quote. It is challenging to ask where our own heart is. Let me encourage you to consider Brook's thoughts for yourself. Is your goal God Himself?
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