Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Under the Doggie Pile

Under The "Doggie Pile"
When my children were small and we found my husband lying on the floor I would yell out- Doggie pile on Daddy! One by one we would fall down on top of him and have a good laugh as he would pretend to be unable to breathe and gasp as we leaned on him even harder! This past week I had come to my mind a picture of myself under the doggie pile. I found myself saying I can't breathe as the trials had jumped on me one by one. It seems to happen to me this way- life goes well for a period of time and then some voice I didn't hear yelled "Doggie pile on Kathy!" But this isn't a game. This is life and this is the hurts of life ganging up on me.
The last time I found myself under the doggie pile I crawled out and headed straight for the pit of depression. For a brief period of time I came from my pit to attend the Higher Ground Bible Study on Monday nights. At that time the study was Believing God by Beth Moore. Although I was unable to finish the series with the group I was able to finish on my own. I began to have enough tools to get the rest of the way out of the pit. Now as I peer from under the doggie pile again I am straining to breathe. For about 24 hours I was unable to cry and unable to pray. But now I am reaching for my tools not crawling to the pit. From under the doggie pile I reach for:
1. God. Even if for 24 hours or less I was unable to pray I knew that Jesus was at the right hand of God interceding on my behalf. (Romans 8:34) I reached for truth even if I could say nothing at the moment.
2. Sisters in Christ. Knowing that Satan loves to isolate us I refused to allow myself to be alone for too long. I called on my sisters in Christ to listen and to pray. I asked for help and allowed myself to be transparent. I showed up on the doorstep of a friend uninvited and unannounced. At that point my numbness and shock fell from me and I was able to finally cry. The following day God even brought my sisters to me- they were on my list to contact for prayer- but with godly wisdom on their lips they came to me! God is good!
3. The Word. I didn't run to open my Bible but rather the Holy Spirit brought scripture from my toolbox to me. I awoke this morning hearing "you are struck down but not destroyed". The full verse from 2 Corinthians.4:8-9 reads : "We are afflicted in everyway, but not crushed; perplexed but not despairing; persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed.

From under my doggie pile I remember the Five Statement Pledge from Believing God:
God is who He says He is.
God can do what He says He can do.
I am who God says I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
God's Word is alive and active in me.
I hope that if you reached from under your doggie pile to read this today that you will continue to reach for God, for His truth in your situation and for a trusted Sister in Christ.
It has helped me to start to breathe again!

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