"I know God has forgiven me, but I simply can't forgive myself." Have you heard statements similar to that? Have you made statements similar to that? I imagine we have all committed an act that requires God's forgiveness....and ours. Have you ever said to yourself, "I can't believe I did that"? I have dealt with many people who have committed a sin they simply can't let go of. They know God has forgiven them, but they are still carrying around the burden of what they did. So what do we do to free ourselves? I had a conversation with God a few years ago, and I will share it with you.
Forgive me, Lord.
I have sinned.
I've confessed this before,
But here I am again.
You are forgiven, dear one.
I heard your confession years ago.But Lord, it was such a terrible sin,
I just can't seem to let go.
Stand here at the cross with Me.
Here your deeds were paid for.
Forgive yourself and see.
I will remember your sin no more.
Walk away from the cross with Me.
Your sins are forgiven.
You are free!
For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more (Jeremiah 31:34).
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