Thursday, December 31, 2009

These Tents

Death is not a popular topic even among Christians. As a young girl I was afraid of death -- afraid of one of my parents or siblings dying, or dying myself. Why, at 7 or 8 years old, did that concern me? I can only attribute it to my Papa's early death and watching my Nana's and Mother's tears. I could see death caused pain. It wasn't like the game we played when you were killed, you counted to 30 and then got back up and played again, Papa didn't get back up.

For we know that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling, if indeed by putting it on we may not be found naked. For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened-not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5

As a believer 25+ years, God has grown me, matured me in many ways, and certainly this is one of them. I've heard many Christians say they don't fear death, but the process of dying is another story.

As believers we know God's promises are true, every single one. Although we do not fully understand, we know He has promised "a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens" - an eternal dwelling place.

Look around you. Look at the church or Keswick prayer list -- strokes, heart attacks, cancer, accidents, tests, surgeries, miscarriages, tumors, falls, etc., and the list goes on and on.

Does this tent billow and creak in the wind? YES, BUT THIS TENT IS NOT OUR HOME!!!

For while we are still in this tent, we groan, being burdened-not that we would be unclothed, but that we would be further clothed, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

I chuckle at the truth For in this tent we groan longing to put on our heavenly dwelling. I can really identify with that, especially when I'm being worked over by my physical therapist after my recent knee surgery. I do groan, or maybe it's more like a whimper. But I know: THIS TENT IS NOT OUR HOME!!!

Our temporary dwelling, our tent, our mortal, finite flesh will one day be swallowed up by life! Swallowed up by our eternal dwelling in the heavens, by eternal, unending LIFE!

And I love this next statement: He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.

God has prepared us for our transition from tent to glorious eternal dwelling. He guarantees it by the presence of His very own Spirit dwelling in and with us.


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