Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Heart of Praise

My husband graduated the Colony of Mercy(1) approximately 8 years ago and came home a changed man, one who no longer relied upon alcohol to get him through the day, but rather the Lord Jesus Christ. He also came home with a servant's heart. He wanted to help those less fortunate and began to buy things to give away. The only problem was that he didn't stop buying and soon our home was filled to the brim with "things" that might be used to help others. I found myself depressed, angry and helpless as I watched rooms being filled with no space to move. I began to bargain and plead with my husband to get rid of things; however this was done in vain and nothing was accomplished.

About six months ago, I finally gave up and guess where I turned? That's right, to the Scriptures. You cannot go wrong when praying with a right heart. I asked God to forgive my anger and went to the Scripture for answers. "For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." ~ Proverbs 2:62 NIV

In Isaiah 32:18, it says, My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. (NIV) I went from room to room giving everything in the room to the Lord for His bidding and started praising God for each and every item to be used for God's glory.

Recently a contractor came to our home to assess some work we needed to have done and told my husband that we needed to remove all the "things" which had accumulated for him to do the work.

After having a season of prayer with the Lord setting my heart right, I found myself thanking my husband for things he accomplished within the home. I began to notice all the little things he was doing and thanking him. "God blesses over and beyond what our expectations are when we become involved in the need to show God cares for us because He wants our heart." That is what God did in our home. God worked in my heart and in my husband's heart. Today, our home is being transformed to a home where God takes precedence, both in our actions, words and deeds.

"We never walk away unsatisfied when we delight in the things of God."(2)

Patsy Foley, Women of Character Graduate

1 The Colony of Mercy is a 120-day men's residential Addiction Recovery program at America's KESWICK. For more information go to or call 732.350.1187 ext. 46.
2 Pastor Randy Smith of Grace Tabernacle, Lake Como, NJ

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