Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Precious Moments

Precious Moments
Those sweet little statues (dust collectors) that for some have significant meaning. Maybe because they trigger a "precious moment". I have a collection of small statues called "woodland creatures", most of which are rabbits. When I was married, my husband bought this collection and started giving me one each year for Christmas. After we were no longer married, he had my son continue to give them to me. According to my son, this Christmas is the last one in the collection. The other day, he said; "I will keep buying you a rabbit every year anyway". What a precious moment he gave me! One that will never collect dust. I keep the collection displayed in my home as a reminder for my son that his dad and I once shared some very precious moments and out of that love, he was born. It's been a good reminder for me over the years when I could have let a bitter or angry moment take root. We've been divorced for seven years. Exactly one day less than I have been saved. Only just two months ago I extended my hand in peace to his wife and she received it. It too was a precious moment. Maybe today would be a good day to dust off some of your "precious moments". Can't remember any? What are you waiting for? Go make some.
Please pray for the salvation of John's dad, George, his wife Kristy and her daughter Shannon.

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