Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tarry Until Something Happens I

These past 2 days of VC are just what the Holy Spirit wants us to hear right now today. He wants us to pause long enough to "get it," or in other words, to GET WITH HIM and to do that we have to tarry until...

A few weeks ago Di and I were talking, and what I shared with her is one of those thoughts which I believe is straight from the heart of God to this plain thinking brain of mine. (I love that God speaks the language of every soul on the planet. Is that cool or what?!)

For a long, long time I've known the extreme value and importance that time with God -which we can also call devotions - is tantamount to health and well-being, not just for the body, but for the soul.

In the past few weeks and months I have had a renewed longing for more and more and more of my God. In fact, one of the things that God used to stir up my stagnant soul water was an online study, "90-Day Jump Start to a New You," which went along with a book by Donna Partow titled, "Becoming the Woman God Wants You to Be (A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life)."

From the beginning she challenged us to create a place in our homes where we would regularly meet with God. I already had a place that I'd created for myself a couple of years ago.  I'm proud to say, I kept it clean and dust free. However, I'm not so proud to say that my meeting place with Him was sorely neglected. Why? The answer in a word is the FLESH: my flesh.

So, as this study was about to commence, my decision was to make undistracted time with God a priority. Making the decision was and is the easy part and most of the women I speak with make this choice fully intending to follow through, only to discover that they can't do it for more than a few minutes. Why? Well, this is what the Holy Spirit showed me as I began a few weeks ago to press in to God.

The Holy Spirit showed me that my flesh is not in the business of thinking about God, let alone making it easy for me to spend time with Him. The flesh wants what it wants and it will pull every trick in its arsenal to keep my heart from turning toward home; from turning toward the One who made me, chose me and saved me; the One who justifies, sanctifies, keeps, sustains and has filled me with dynamite power from on High. 

So here I sit with every intention of having a nice uninterrupted devotional time. It's early in the morning, and the house is quiet because everyone else is still counting z's. I have my Bible, my journal, my coffee, my tissues, (I don't even want an all-of-a-sudden runny nose to interfere with my God-time). I have my pens, high-lighters, etc. I'm ready to commence and nothing is going to stop me. The one thing I didn't factor in or anticipate was my flesh. I had no idea how opposed it would be to my desire to go deeper, and God was about to show me something, that one simple little thing that would make my flesh sit down and shut up. But it wouldn't be without a fight. Until tomorrow...


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