Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:31,32 (NLT)

When is it ever okay to allow an exception to the above Scripture? Surely, there must be times when a harsh word or a slanderous statement is permissible? Surely, the Lord must know that there are people who will come into our lives and hurt us, cause us such pain that we will feel a huge need to express ourselves in not-so-nice ways? When He inspired those words of Scripture He had to have taken into consideration the number of people we would have love/hate relationships with, and toward whom we would find the not-so-odd occasion to be less than tenderhearted or forgiving. He simply had to know that loving a father who would reject and push you away, over and over and over again would provoke a rage, and an anger, bigger than one could imagine. God had to know the longing, the thirst, the hole that would wait years to be filled and yet remain unfilled, unquenched. Didn't He? Didn't He?

Of course we know the answer is, "YES, HE DID!" He knew before we were formed how we would hurt and be hurt. He knew every tear we would shed. He knew the rejection we would experience and He knew how we'd struggle with rage, and bitterness. He knew that in our anger and pain we'd be tempted and give in to the sin of harsh words, slander and evil behavior. He also knew how we'd attempt to justify it all simply because we hurt and ache and long for acceptance and love. HE KNEW.

He knew that being in relationship with other people who are sinners, (just like us) would make or break us, would threaten to hinder our growth and our fellowship with other believers and most importantly with Him.

He knew it all and still He came to earth as a man to offer us redemption, to offer us a way to know love, to know forgiveness and to be known by Perfect Love Personified in the character and person of Jesus.

So, it's safe, no, it's right to say then, that no part of anything that the Lord has asked us to do is impossible, none of it is by accident or a mistake. Therefore, none of us will ever have a legitimate reason to hold on to anger, bitterness and resentment as long as we are called after His name. As long as we are His followers, disciples, children, daughters, we will always know the amazing truth of Calvary's Cross.

The Cross was the answer that saved, redeemed, set us free, no longer to be bound by the yoke of any kind of slavery.


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