Monday, October 11, 2010

Digging Deeper Proverbs 3:5-8

This week's verse, much like last week's, is an oft-quoted verse. The problem with oft-quoted verses is that sometimes they are recited without much thought to their meaning or promise. Let's slow down this week just long enough to really consider the truths within.

Proverbs 3:5-8
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
7 Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.
8 It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.

"Trust in the Lord is necessary for fulfilling any of the wise ways of life taught in Proverbs: trusting the Lord is closely connected to 'fearing' him....With all your heart indicated that trust goes beyond intellectual assent to a deep reliance on the Lord, a settled confidence in his cared and his faithfulness to his Word. Do not lean on your own understanding further explains trusting the Lord. One's understanding in Proverbs is his perception of the right course of action. The wise will govern themselves by what the Lord himself declares, and will not set their own finite and often-mistaken understanding against his. ... To make straight a person's paths means to make the course of the person's life one that continually progresses toward a goal. In Proverbs, the emphasis is on the moral quality in one's life path (here, its moral 'straightness'). " ESV Study Bible Notes Pg. 1138


Diane Hunt is the Director of Addiction Recovery and Development at America's KESWICK. In addition to her Keswick responsibilities which keep her busy, she loves to read, write and teach, travel and laugh with her grandchildren. Diane has been married to her husband John over 25 years. She has 2 children, 2+ grandchildren, 3 step-children, and 7 step-grandchildren.

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