Wednesday, February 08, 2012

What is in a Name?

I am not a "Kathleen" or a "Katherine." I was named after my grandmother whose name was "Kate." I had always wanted to be called "Kate" but there are few who call me by that name. "Kathy" just always seemed common and boring. Although "Kate" never really stuck as my nickname there are other names that I have been called: names that have stuck because they are painful. Childhood names were plunged into my heart and have taken a long time for me to put into perspective.

In Genesis 32:24 Jacob's name is changed to Israel. Jacob, which means "heel," is derived from a verb meaning "trip up, "or "over reach." We know that Jacob was a deceiver and with the help of his Mom he was able to get his brother's birthright. When Jacob finds himself in a wrestling match with the Lord he is asked, "What is your name?" It is noted in Warren Wiersbe's commentary that the last time Jacob had been asked that question he told a lie to his father and claimed to be Esau. At the end of the wrestling match the Lord gives Jacob a new name. He is to be called Israel.

I simply want us to remember that we are no longer the names that we were given or labeled before we came to know Christ. We've been told, "Sticks and stones can break our bones but names will never hurt us." Well, names do hurt us. But God has re-named us. Our identity is now found in Him. He doesn't lie. He doesn't give us names that are hurtful. He uses names such as forgiven, beloved, My child, and many others. Names are important so as we read Scripture take note when you see a name change, a definition associated with a name, or when a name of God appears. It is apparent that names mean a lot to our God. He knows the names we have been called and He no longer wants us to live with them.

In Genesis 39:9-11 God once again appears to Jacob and reminds him of his name. Maybe you need to be reminded today that those "names and labels" are not who you are. For a great read on names and the importance they have in our lives I would recommend that you read "My Secret Name" by Kary Oberbrunner. This book was given to me and helped me to understand the effects of negative names that I was still wrestling with, and also helped me learn a name that was especially for me from God.

Well, I left out a small detail of the story of my name. For all the kidding I will receive, I will share it with you. When I asked my Mom why I couldn't have been named "Kate" after Grandma she informed me that "Kate" was Grandma's nickname but her real name was "Cornelia." So, I am okay with plain old "Kathy."

Blessings to you,
Plain Kathy with a "K" and a "Y" but Jesus calls me Accepted

Kathy's on staff at America's KESWICK in the Development Department. Kathy has been married to her husband Dave for 26 years. They have two adult children. Kathy is active in her local church and has previously served as a Teaching Director for Community Bible Study. Her passion is to encourage women to deepen their walk with Jesus Christ by finding and living out the truths of God's Word.

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