Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So sorry yesterday's Victory Call did not go out. Please go to www.americaskeswick.org and click on blogs at the top of the page to read it - it was a good one!

Deut. 31:6 (LBT) "So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you."

I love the statement "Do not panic before them." I think this should be the official verse for speakers and preachers. The earlier part of the verse says we should be strong and courageous. I wrote previously about being strong and showing strength.

In our Christian lives, we can show courage by being willing to take a stand as a Christian. At times, that takes a lot of courage, such as when others are watching or when others say something about being a Christian.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines courage as: "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty"1

Do you have the courage to take a Christian position on a controversial issue?

We stay in the same RV park in mid-state California at basically the same time each year. A few years back we arrived at the park earlier than normal. We saw people hanging a banner that was very familiar to us. It was a banner for a national homosexual group. I didn't see this as an issue until a man whom I assumed was a homosexual parked right next to us. My husband reached out to him by helping him park and talking with him at length. However, I stayed in our motorhome, and I did not feel very friendly toward him.

The following Sunday, God spoke to me during the service. On the way home from church, I said, "God wants me to be friendly to my neighbor." I asked God to show me ways I could be friendly to my neighbor. I baked a loaf or bread for him, and my husband offered to be his photographer and take his picture. With the bread, we included a copy of Roses In December and a business card which included my e-mail address.

The next morning, the man tapped on my window and mouthed "thank you." I later received an e-mail from him in which he listed every kindness we had offered toward him. He also stated that this was his first trip since his partner had died. Regardless of the fact that he was living the homosexual lifestyle, he was grieving! And God knew I knew how to help him! For the past three years, we have been in regular contact via e-mail.

Did it take courage to befriend this man? You bet! Would it seemingly have been easier to remain in my RV and not extend myself? Oh my, yes. After a few e-mails he commented, "It's so nice to find someone who thinks like I do." Once again I had to call on the courage that God had promised. I wrote back, "I must make this very clear; I DO NOT think as you do. I believe the Bible states you are living in sin by living in a homosexual lifestyle, but I also believe that the Bible instructs me as a Christian that I am to show love to you, NOT your lifestyle." I did not feel very courageous and I had no idea how he would respond to my position. I soon got an e-mail back, "I respect you telling me of your position, and I love you!"

Remember the promise in Deuteronomy 31:6: "For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you." And He will never break His promise.

Marilyn Willett Heavilin

Marilyn is a wife and mother, author, and international conference and retreat speaker. She and her husband Glen serve as Counselors-in-Residence at America's KESWICK during the summer months.

1 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/courage

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