Friday, March 02, 2012

Encouragement From One Who Has Gone Before-4

Study and Pray

I was recently looking through the Victory Call archives and I came across a number of them that were written by our dear sister Dottie Noel, who went home to be with Jesus on May 21st of last year. I miss her sweet spirit in this place!

As I read through a number of the Victory Call devotions she had written my heart and soul were blessed and I thought, "Why not share the blessing with all of our Victory Call subscribers?"

I enjoyed the book "Words that Hurt - Words that Heal" by Carole Mayhall. It was the first book I had read by Carole, and I enjoyed it! I chose this book to do a report, and I pass its message on to you. It was easy to understand and practical for my life.

Carole begins by quoting James 3:3, "The tongue is like a bit in a horse's mouth." She states if we control the bit, we control the horse! God has much to say in His Word concerning this member of our body, the tongue, some things positive and some negative.

The purpose of our lives should be to know God. Philippians 3:10 is Paul's desire for this - even deeper at the end of his life!

As I read, I had to question myself, "Do I have all the areas of my life under the control of the Holy Spirit?...even my mouth? I've learned in sinning with my tongue, it grieves the Holy Spirit. Slander, gossip, and careless, idle speech are sinning by God's rules.

On the other hand, Proverbs 12:25 reads, "Anxious hearts are very heavy, but a word of encouragement does wonders!" I've found this true.

Carole's prayer for herself is, "Lord, teach me what it means to have the mouth of the righteous." I would love this, too, but fail so often.

In reading the book of Psalms there is great help: 35:28, "I will praise you all day long"; and 10:11, "The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life." I began to think back just to the past few days and thought, "What words could describe my speech, my conversations?" I need a lot of changes with God's help.
There is a chapter in the book called "Aren't I Terrific?" It caused me to search my heart.

Do I really seek God's glory, or my own? Proverbs 25:27 and 27:1&2 are good verses. Have I learned to be content in whatever circumstances? - Philippians 4:11-12, or do I sound off "woe is me", too often?

Lord, help me to think before I speak. Proverbs 12:18, "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Concerning gossip or the love of finding fault was covered by an example given by Carole. "Criticizing is like climbing up on the Judgment Seat on which God alone has the right to sit and to publish judgment upon others which He alone has the right to pronounce!"

I ask myself if I am guilty? - are you?

In closing, Carole's prayer is, "If I dwell deep with you, God, the overflow is going to consistently seep into my conversation. Soon I will be speaking more words that heal - and less that hurt!" We all need to learn His words and speak them.
Study and pray!


Submitted by Stephanie Paul

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