Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Difficult Passages

I have reached Leviticus in my daily reading!!! While it is difficult to read through Leviticus, I found it interesting that my New Testament reading was Matthew 26:26-29. In the Old Testament I was reading about various sacrifices for sins of omission and commission. In Matthew I read the account of the Lord's Supper. While the instructions in the Old Testament may keep my mind running in circles trying to follow the law's every detail, I was comforted in the New Testament to know that Jesus' body and blood were given as a sacrifice once and for all.

Warren Weirsbe comments on Matthew's passage with this: "The Lord's Supper reminds us to look ahead for Christ's return. We will observe this supper until He comes (1 Cor. 11:26). The Passover pointed ahead to the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). The Lord's Supper announces that this great work has been accomplished." Just as difficult and messy as the work of sacrificing was in the Old Testament, the work of Jesus Christ on the cross was also a difficult and messy work. If you are able and can handle reading the description of a crucifixion, I encourage you to do so. (Just search Jesus' crucifixion online.) I don't want you to read because of the gory details but just so that you will understand just how much our Lord suffered. We never want to say that the blood of Christ didn't matter or in any way cheapen what it meant for Christ to shed His blood. It cost Him everything to die for us.

There are many foreshadowings of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. There is much to learn as we see how well the New Testament completes the Old Testament. While we often will direct an unbeliever or a new believer to the New Testament, let's not neglect the entirety of the Word of God. Let's continue to struggle with pronouncing names and places, understanding and wrestling with difficult passages, and just allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us as we read. It will all come together as we spend more and more time seeking Him!


Kathy's on staff at America's KESWICK in the Development Department. Kathy has been married to her husband Dave for 26 years. They have two adult children. Kathy is active in her local church and has previously served as a Teaching Director for Community Bible Study. Her passion is to encourage women to deepen their walk with Jesus Christ by finding and living out the truths of God's Word.

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