Over the years of serving within the Addiction Recovery ministries at Keswick, I have had many conversations with men whose lives have been radically transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They graduate the program on fire for the Lord and believe God is going to call them to great things such as the mission field, or Bible College, or to be a pastor, all are wonderful callings. Over time, however, when things do not happen as quickly as they would like, they become discouraged because they are certain God is calling them to missions but nothing seems to be falling into place for them. Why? What does God want from them? Some lose their way because they become disheartened, waiting.
How do we do the very same thing? As a follower of Jesus Christ, we have all heard teachings about finishing well, about hearing the Lord say, "Well done" when we see Him face to face. I'm sure you, like me, desire to leave a godly legacy to those that come behind us. Or perhaps you want to go to Bible College or the mission field and don't see things falling into place. Are you discouraged, waiting?
Stop waiting. How often I would remind men that God is not asking them to live to His glory on the mission field, Bible College, or in the pastorate. He is calling all of us to live to His glory TODAY, whatever it holds. I was reminded of this again this week by a quote by Annie Dillard, in "Crazy Love" (by Francis Chan). She said, "How we live our days is ...how we live our lives." That's it.
Let's not lose focus on our todays by yearning for tomorrow. To reach our goal of finishing well, we need to finish each day well, each hour of each day, and each minute of each hour.
How will you live out your minutes today? Live your minutes like you want to live your life. That reminder has challenged my heart. I hope it does yours as well.
Diane Hunt is part of the ministry team at America's Keswick. She is a regular writer for Victory Call and one of the authors of Crossing the Jordan Bible Study. Diane has been married to her husband John over 27 years. She has 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren and 3 adult step-children with 7 grandchildren making 10 in all. She delights reading and teaching, but mostly laughing at the funny things her grandchildren say and do.
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