Tuesday, July 04, 2006


A comment from one of our readers:

It is interesting how the Victory Calls have kind of been in line with what God impressed on my heart this week in my time in the Word.

I was in Proverbs and it was talking about wisdom and understanding and how we need to guard her for she is our LIFE. That led me to John 6:63 and that talks about how it is the Spirit who gives us LIFE. And then that led me to 2 Corinthians 3:6 and then I read the whole chapter for a little background. At the end of that chapter is this verse:
"Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

The word "liberty" caught my eye so I looked it up in the concordance. It was defined as "freedom" but then it said that it was taken from another word that means - "unrestrained (to go at pleasure)..." I stopped reading there.
That definition bothered me a little bit and then I went back and continued reading the rest of the definition.

"i.e. (as a citizen) not a slave (whether freeborn or manumitted), or (gen.) exempt (from obligation or liability): - free (man, woman), at liberty."

Okay, here is finally where I think that we connect with Victory Calls.
On Tuesday, (6/6) Steph was encouraging us to "shout out, Halleluiah!" And today(6/7) you are encouraging us to "throw our heads back and delight in His LIFE in you". Well, I feel we can DO both of those things BECAUSE He has set us FREE!! We are FREE from sin and death! We can have unrestrained pleasure in NO LONGER being a SLAVE! But we can walk (live our LIFE) in the newness of LIBERTY. We can throw our heads back and breathe in fresh, clean air, smile and bask in how much He loves us. That sense of freedom should not be turned into selfishness - seeking after our own pleasures - but seeking after what pleases God. It is the Spirit that gives us life, He works through our FAITH. He's the One who helps us see in our circumstances (by giving us wisdom and understanding) that we have the FREEDOM to CHOOSE to die to our old ways and to walk in FREEDOM to show God's character to others.

I just want to share that I'm shouting Halleluiah and throwing my head back and delighting in my Lord and Savior this week! Thanks for the encouragement!


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