Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What Kind of Garden Are You Growing?

What kind of Garden are you growing?

Years ago, when I was working as a Systems Engineer, our department secretary was facing a health crisis. I distinctly remember my conversation with her as I shared I was praying for her. Her reply unsettled me. She said she was praying too. She was praying to God, to Jesus, to Allah, and to Buddha because she wasn't sure who could help so she was praying to all of them.

As believers in Jesus Christ we cringe at such theology knowing there is One True God; but I wonder if we do much the same thing in our own walk with God.

Who are you listening to? In the counseling office, I hear people share who they are gleaning "wisdom" from: Dr. Phil, Oprah, Joel Olsten, James Dobson, Beth Moore, Joyce Myers, the internet, a radio speaker, a pastor, a book, or a magazine article. These things can be good but we must remember they are not the inspired word of God.

I believe a lot of confusion comes from listening to too many different sources, too many different voices.

It reminds me of a garden. When planting a tulip garden you plant all tulip bulbs, one at a time each in its own hole. When planting a wildflower garden you scatter a variety of seeds on the surface and rake over them to cover them with a thin layer of dirt.
"...for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
Galatians 6:7

What kind of garden are you sowing? Are you indiscriminately scattering seeds from a plethora of sources? Are you intentionally planting the seeds of truth from God's word, watering and caring for them, allowing them to take root and grow deep? Are you keeping your garden well weeded to keep it clear of anything that does not meet the test of God's word?
All those other things will come and go, but God's word will stand forever.

"Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven."
Psalm 119:89


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