Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in the time of need."
Communication is essential for any growing relationship - including our relationship with God! The above verse tells us we can come boldly to God. Not only does a Christian have the blessed privilege of talking with God about everything, but they can experience the great benefits from their communion with Him. God's word and prayer go together. They build up in a relationship with Christ so that He can live through you. Prayer releases us from fear and worry! God's will is revealed as we have communion with Him, so we have nothing to fear. His way is best.
As Christians, we are also told to witness. We can demonstrate through our life what the Lord and His grace can accomplish. But remember, we can never convert a soul, which is the work of the conviction of the Holy Spirit, bringing a person to ask forgiveness of their sins and asking Christ into their heart. But we can pray! James 5:16
Are you His witness? To me it is amazing that Christ allows me to be His witness. We can witness by our love, our life, and by word. What is your witness in your home, in your school, or out in public? Remember, you are here to glorify God, not yourself.
We are also told we need to have fellowship, not only with Christ, but with other Christians. Read 1 John 1. I need you, and you need me. Seek the fellowship with the Christians God has put in your life: family, work, church, neighbors, and friends. (Perhaps those you write to from past years. I cherish them!)
Make time to pray and read His word. Communicate with Him. He loves you, and He promises to be there for you at all times, in good times or bad.
Communicate with Him.
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