Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Galatians 6:10 "As we Have opportunity, let us do good to all."

Galatians 6:10 "As we Have opportunity, let us do good to all."

In our former church, I was part of the A.W.H.O. Class = "As We Have Opportunity".
When I first joined I was active in every opportunity to serve others. We went to prisons, nursing homes, visited the blind, and even the home for un-wed mothers. We cooked meals for the sick, baked cakes, and cleaned.

Then the roles turned, and I needed this help myself. Having developed an illness called Myasthenia Gravis when my children were 1, 3, and 5 years old, it was hard. I'll never forget the gift of help and love each gave to us. Twice a year they cleaned my whole house! While they were cleaning, another friend had me at her home for the day (and it was great to be with her just to talk, pray - and eat lunch). Then someone else sent dinner. As a family, Jack and I sat down with our three little ones and had a great meal in a spotless house. Do you know what that did for us? Today some of these classmates are in heaven, and their gift of help has been rewarded.

That verse is special to me, even today, but God has to remind me "to do good to all" doesn't mean I have to help everyone in need. We are to help anyone we can and whenever we have the opportunity to do so.

I become so distressed especially with the spiritual needs of a lost world. God asks us to pray, give and show love to all that we can. Think of the opportunities you have around you. You serve the Lord as you help others.

Our Daily Bread reads, "Do what you can where you are and with what you have!"
Another good thought to remember is:
"Our lives are God's gift to us. What we do with them is our gift to God."


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