Jehovah ~ The God who cares for me
Gen 2:4 "This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens"
The name "Jehovah" is translated "LORD" in all caps in most versions of the Bible. Sometimes it is also translated "GOD" in all caps to differentiate it from "Elohim". LORD is the name most used in scripture for God (6000 times). Jehovah appears along with the name Elohim when God creates Adam. We also know this name as "Yahweh" as given by God to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:13-14).
Jehovah denotes the special relationship we have with God. Elohim provides for the physical universe ~ Jehovah provides for and protects His children. The term Jehovah or Yahweh which literally translated means "He which is: I AM" tells us that He is, He has always been, He always will be and He cannot be improved upon."
Jesus declares himself as Jehovah in John 6:20 (It is I), and John 8:58(...before Abraham was born, I AM). Do you understand what that means? We have a God who not only created us, but cares for us and Jesus himself came to earth to show how much He cares for us!
So, how do you apply this to your life?
1. Thou shalt not take the LORD God's name in Vain ~ the word vain means empty. Yes, we should not use it in a profane way, but it also means when we say in a spiritual sense we need to understand the fullness of the word and the depth of meaning it has in our lives. Let's not throw the word around lightly - do you really know Him as the God who cares?
2. Mal 3:6 "God does not change" ~ the God who cared for all the men and women of the bible is the God who cares for you! If He has shown himself faithful, he will continue to be faithful.
3. His presence is with us... "The LORD replied, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." (Ex 33:14)
Are you living daily with Jehovah? You have his comfort and his presence at all times! Even when you feel lonely here - you are never alone. The God who cares for you is ever present!
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