God Is Enough
With my lips it is easy to say and with my pen it's even easier to write the words, God is enough. Lately I've been confronted with the truth of it and I am keenly aware that I live my life as if He isn't enough. I am over weight. There I said it. Not that it's a mystery to anyone who sees me. But, there have been many times which I've caught a glimpse of my reflection and gasped what I saw there. Who is that woman? So I humbly invite you to think with me; walk with me; help me to process this truth. In fact, let's do it together.
Is there any area of your life that calls to you for change -change that moves and cuts way below any surface mask or covering we could hide behind? (Just in case you can't think of one, I invite you to ask the Lord. I promise you he will open your eyes to see some area that screams to believe the truth that He is enough!
With that "thing" firmly in mind, let's allow the Lord to speak to us through His Word. Sisters, please hear my heart here. The last thing I want to do is to lead you through a litany of shoulds and should-nots. The law of shoulda, woulda, coulda has never redeemed anyone from anything. Those words more often than not cause me to cringe and feel judged. In fact, lately as the use of them has seemingly jumped to the forefront of my mind, I am asking God to give me an ear to hear my own use of them. Lord, deliver me from communicating to anyone that they don't measure up. Surely that is the Holy Spirit's work and His alone.
My lone desire is to invite you in, to journey with me through this process of living like I am truly believing - God is enough. My desire is to share with you from a satisfied heart. A heart whose food is to do the will of the Father and not the will of my flesh's longings; demands for food.
"Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work."
He said this to His disciples in response to their question, "Has anyone brought you something to eat?"
Had that been me in my current state, I would've been checking them out as they walked toward me, wondering what delicious morsel they were bringing me to eat. And, once they came within voice range, I'd probably have unashamedly asked them, "What did ya bring me?"
Not so with the Lord Jesus. His heart and mind were fixed, rock steady on doing the will of His Father. I can guarantee you He didn't have visions of Krsipy Kreme(r) donuts dancing in His head.
To be continued...
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