Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Passion of a Kiss (part 2)

The Passion of a Kiss (part 2)

Yesterday's phone ad led up to this video, called "Like We Never Loved At All." It is a really well done video about a broken-hearted couple. The point is how much they are both hurting over their break up and long to be back together but there are some obstacles, namely another woman. It's obvious that they have shared a lot! It portrays the woman as wondering how he has moved on, she asks him; "Did you forget the magic? Did you forget the passion? Did you ever miss me? Ever long to kiss me?" Obviously by the look on his face the answers were, No, No, Yes and Yes. Their hearts were broken.
Anybody that has seen it, would probably agree that she could press the delete button forever and not get this relationship out of her heart. It's just not that simple. I don't believe it was designed to be simple. I believe that when the Lord said that the two shall become one, Genesis 2:24 For this reason a man will leave his mother and father and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh, He wasn't just referring to the physical but also a spiritual joining of the couple.
There's something special about going to the man you love on your wedding night and being able to share your most intimate experience under the protective banner of marriage. Song of Solomon 2:4 He has taken me to the banquet hall and his banner over me is love.
The Beloved tells us not to stir up nor awaken love until it pleases. Sure a kiss can bring pleasure but it leads to the desire for more sexual intimacy not meant to be awakened until it truly pleases. Pleases who? Pleases God.
There is nothing wrong and in fact, everything right about the love and passion we can experience in a marriage. That is truly a gift of pleasure from a loving God. And I believe it pleases the Lord to look down upon a loving, respectful, passionate, married couple.
Maybe you've experienced things in this way and can say yes, amen, that is so true. Maybe you haven't. Maybe you've got some conviction going on and far be it from me to take that away. Let it lead you to our loving, forgiving Lord and start again. Maybe you're not even at a point to have to consider it yet, but it's never too early to start preparing to do the right thing.
Maybe that choice was taken away from you and you need the comfort, peace and healing only God can give. Or maybe you're like me and wish you grew up knowing Christ and had the foundation to make better choices but didn't. Let me say God is good, He has allowed me to be a wife and mother and come through a divorce, and by His grace has made me a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come. Should He decide to give me a godly husband I will have the opportunity to come to him as a new creation in Christ.
How about you? Where do you stand? Where would you like to stand?


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