Being a Woman of Influence Part I -
I have been teaching at retreats and women's groups over the past 2 years on "Being a Woman of Influence". Recently I did a retreat on this subject and we reviewed some women of the Bible and the influence they had on history. For this week let us look together at women that God used in different ways and see what we can learn from them...I hope you enjoy!
Esther - a woman who saved a Nation!
Esther to me is truly a fascinating woman and was a chosen woman by the Lord.
A few quick notes about her life.
1. She was adopted by a foster father (her cousin).
2. She had a gift of beauty.
3. She was recognized by the King and he chose her as his new wife.
4. She took her place as Queen even though it was not her choice.
5. She was not ashamed of her own race - in the end she needed to stand up and admit who she was and where she came from. This helped her save her Nation.
6. She was a great leader and when decisions were needed to be made she was ready to do it.
Esther was placed at a very key time in history when her nation needed to be helped. Now we know that the Lord does not need our help to do anything but He chooses to use us and it is up to us to respond to his calling.
Esther 4:14 (New International Version)
"... And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"
Many times we talk about the phrase 'for such a time as this". God called Esther and this was her time. I am intrigued by this phrase. To think that God has called each one of us to make a mark in History. God created each of us for His purpose and to help complete his work. How exciting to think that God wants to use me in a special way. WOW!
Ladies it only took this one woman to save a nation. It only took one woman to take prayer out of school. It takes only one woman to save or change a life.
We are in uncertain times as we all know. The Lord's return can come at any moment. Has and is God calling you to this point in time to save a life, a family, a NATION? Can you be the one to put pray back in school?
Remember it only took one woman!!! For such a time as this....Is this your time?
Lynn W.
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