Being a Woman of Influence Part II -
Judges 4 & 5... Deborah
Here are some questions for you to start with...
1. What are you excited about?
2. What is your purpose?
3. Do you make a difference in a life?
4. What is one thing that you have done in your life that will be remembered in eternity?
5. Are you leaving a legacy and if so about what?
Deborah was a true heroine for the Lord who can show many of us just how to answer the Lord's call on our lives. Careful attention to her story may challenge our assumptions about what and who we can be as women.
The Bible introduces Deborah as prophetess. None of the other judges bore such a title. The word proclaims that not only did Deborah hear the Lord as Judge but as Prophet too. We see in scripture that she was in the beginning a homemaker, then became a judge, a prophet and then a leader and finally song writer.
At first we see that Israel was in real trouble, and had been for twenty years. A leader was needed to inspire them to fight the enemy. There are interpretations in some commentaries that say God only used a woman because no one else was available. I find it difficult to believe that God could not rise up a single man capable of doing the job in twenty years time. He chose Deborah a woman!
Deborah saw the oppression of the Canaanites and the idolatry of Israel. Deborah became a leader once she was stirred up enough and lead the way for men to fight. She became a military dictator, directing the battle against King Jabin and winning it.
She acted when the Lord called; her authority came from the Lord. It does not mention that she sought her husband's permission first which can show us that we as an individual have a mission or a job to do based on our gifts that God has given us. Some insist that women must leave their ministries that they are in upon marriage but we can see that is not what the Lord instructed Deborah to do.
When they went to fight the enemy it was on the land near the river. The enemy went forward to fight the battle but did not look around at their surrounding first. The ground had been flooded prior and the enemy's wheels got stuck in the mud and the battle was WON! In the end Israel rejoiced at the victory.
(What an example for us.....have we looked at all that is around us before we make our move so our wheels don't get stuck in the mud and we loose the victory)
Above all of Deborah's remarkable gifts was her trust in God, which is ever the source of any woman's highest adornment.
Psalm 37:5 (King James Version)
"Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
Ladies I bring to you this story of a strong Godly woman who made her mark in history for us to realize that as women we have a very important role. Is God calling you to take the lead? Are you a leader who needs to step up to the plate and start using your gifts and abilities for the Lord?
The Communists intend to promote chaos, confusion and conflict. They play upon the conflict of classes, races and of creeds. They seek to produce degeneracy and corruption until the people are ready for a change, regardless of what that change is. Any activity of the Communists which promotes the revolution is called a peaceful activity. Any activity of the free nations in resisting Communism is called a warlike activity. It is the Communist belief that if they can promote their program, a nation like America can fall like a ripe plum to Communism without warfare.
(Women who made Bible History - Harold J Ockenga pub 1964)
4 entries found for degeneracy.
de�gen�er�a�cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-jnr--s)
n. pl. de�gen�er�a�cies
1. The process of degenerating.
2. The state of being degenerate.
3. Corrupt, vulgar, vicious behavior, especially sexual perversion.
4. Genetics. The presence in the genetic code of multiple condones for the same amino acid.
Times are changing and our Nation which is "free" is now under attack. We are being attacked by the enemy in more ways than one. As we read the quote above some attack by corrupt, vulgar, vicious behavior and sexual perversion. Our Nation is addicted to some of this - we don't even need their help in destroying us. We are doing this job all on our own.
We need "Women of God", we need to stand strong and firm and realize that we can attack our enemy. We can be women leaders in today's world and we can save our Nation.
Deborah was a great example to us all. Get moving and remember that our enemy is on the land and their wheels can easily get stuck in the mud. Ask God for the flood that is needed to make the difference. Get EXCITED, GET MOVING, TAKE LEADERSHIP, GET INTO SOMEONE'S LIFE, STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT and ask God to use you to change a life, a family and NATION.
Lynn W
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