Friday, November 17, 2006


In recent devotionals I have shared what I have learned about recognizing God's voice. I believe most people hear various "voices" or "thoughts in their heads. Sometimes we hear good, helpful voices. Other times the voices or thoughts are very discouraging and demeaning. I have found we are so strongly influenced by the negative voices that we begin to believe the worst thoughts about ourselves.
Before I wrote the book, I'm Listening, Lord, I asked God to give me thoughts that would help me teach others how to know the difference between God's voice and Satan's voice. Almost immediately I began to write down the thoughts I have been sharing with you. I have already elaborated on Christ Convicts/Satan Condemns; Christ Clarifies/Satan Confuses. Today I want to share the concept Christ Confirms/Satan Contradicts.

Christ confirms our ideas generally through Scripture. When my husband and I were considering joining Campus Crusade for Christ, Glen needed to know that God would take care of those who received Christ through the Four Spiritual Laws, Campus Crusade's evangelistic tract. As Glen was searching the Scripture for confirmation, God showed him John 15:16, Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and your fruit should remain.

Glen could have made the decision to join staff just because I was nagging him, but instead he waited until he had received scriptural confirmation from God.

We have become so influenced by our societal standards that we forget to check and confirm our actions with Scripture. The Bible is very clear on its stance regarding marriage, divorce, fidelity, homosexuality, modesty, and most issues we are faced with today. Satan is the one who rearranges and tries to rewrite Scripture. He has been contradicting scripture since Eve. Read Genesis 3 to see how Satan managed to contradict God's word. To be able to check God's word before taking any action, it is, of course, best if we have become students of God's Word. However, a lack of knowledge of Scripture should never be an acceptable excuse. We can always check a good concordance or topical Bible to get God's perspective on the decisions we make.

Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed by his word by the signs that accompanied it (Mark 16:20).


Marilyn Heavilinsubscription, reply to

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