Thursday, November 30, 2006

Being a Woman of Influence Part IV -

Being a Woman of Influence Part IV -
No Named Women of the Bible
They made a mark in History!
They touched a life!!

Redeeming the time .....because the days are evil.

"Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposely and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time (buying up each and every opportunity), because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16 Amplified Bible)

Nameless Bible Women - are you a nameless Woman?

There are so many important women in the Bible without a name - there does not seem to be a clear reason as to why.

Many women in the Bible left their impact upon history and played an important role in events; they were in influence and touched a life if not a nation.

Noah's Wife -
What a position she was in. To encourage her husband, keep her sons and daughters in-law motivated to build an ark during a time when they had never seen rain.

Wow no rain ever....what would we think if God asked us to build an ark or to support someone who is to build it because of the rain coming. Rain that wasn't even here yet or ever seen by any of us. Would we?

Noah's wife must have been a strong woman when you think how many years her husband was called to build this ark, never seeing rain and being surrounded by people that thought he was crazy and having to keep her man going to get the job done.

Job's Wife:
Unlike Noah's wife...Jobs wife, who in their traumatic times -told her husband to curse God, turn away and from him to kill himself. She allowed Satan to take over her will to continue. She stopped relying God.

Peters Wife:
From Paul we learn that Peter's wife accompanied her husband on some missionary journeys; caring for his many needs.

Peter is said to be an impulsive man, and had a tendency to quit when things went against him. Possibility coming home in a mood she would need to encourage him, caution him to go slowly, and to strive to rise above trials and disappointments.

In the end she was killed before her husband for what they stood for. and her husbands last words to her were.....Remember the Lord.

Is rain coming in your life, our homes our churches our nation, that we don't understand or have never seem before? Is God calling you to build an ark?

When times are going you want to turn your back on God and curse him? Or thank him for what is doing in your life.

If the Lord called us to accompany our husband on a journey would we willingly go? If and when the time came for us to go face to face with our enemy and our faith...would we cry out "Remember the Lord"?

Is God calling to you to be a no-named woman of influence? Could you be the no-named woman who could lead a new way and be an influence for God?

"So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants." (Ephesians 5:15-16 from the Message)

Lynn W

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