A frequently asked question by busy parents is "How do you have time for devotions and Bible study?" They continue by saying, "We are so busy raising our children, we seldom have time for Bible study." My response, "What you are doing is so important, you can't afford NOT to take time for Bible study. Raising your children is so important; the results will matter in eternity."
Parents today are being attacked by the world in such an overwhelming way that not being filled with God's Word will result in spiritual suicide and the demise of the American Christian family.
I was preparing for the birth of my third child before I was willing to commit to the Lord that I would spend time in God's Word every day. I saw that my time with God made a difference in how I related to my family. My kids benefited from the fact their mom had spent time with Jesus.
Spending time with God may mean you have to set your alarm for one-half hour earlier than your family gets up. Or you may need to spend time with God while the kids are taking a nap or on your break at work.
Purchase a good, practical devotional. I found Streams In the Desert to be my favorite. Go to a Christian bookstore and see what is available today. I also started using different versions of the One Year Bible. With this Bible, the portion of Scripture I read each day is already decided for me. I also like to write out a prayer each day. I call my daily writing A Letter to Jesus. I sign off my letter by saying, "I love You, Jesus." Then I listen as I hear Jesus say, "I love you, too, Marilyn." What a way to start the day!
Find a special spot to use each day for your time with God. Turn off the TV and let the answering machine take phone messages. Place a note pad next to you to write extraneous thoughts but things you need to remember later, such as Call Mary, pick up the cleaning, take cookies to school.
As a couple, you can determine to protect each other's time with God. You can agree to work with the children while your spouse has his or her devotions. Glen and I now live in a 35' motor home and private space is limited. I am generally the first one up. I get dressed, fix my coffee, and do my Bible reading. Glen has agreed not to get up until I am finished with my daily routine. Talk to your mate. Help each other find time with God.
"Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" (Psalm 5:1-3, NIV).
Marilyn Heavilin
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