Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Battlefield of the Mind Part 1

The Battlefield of the Mind 1
War is raging on the battlefield of your mind. In the past few days/weeks I have had the privilege of ministering to some seriously hurting people. In various ways, they are battling to regain control of their thoughts. It is no place that you and I have not found ourselves at times in our lives. Perhaps you are in one of those times yourself right not. It seems as if there are times our thoughts are on a runaway train that we can't keep on the track let alone stop. Oh, how powerful our mind is.
Because we live in a fallen, sin-sick world, our mind is much more likely to dwell on fleshly things rather than things of the Spirit. Have you ever noticed that when you want to sit and mediate on the Word that your mind flits hither and yon to everything BUT the Word. Yet, when you try not to think about something it seems as if that is all you can think about!!
"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2 How are we to do this? I know from experience that sometimes it feels impossible to tear our thoughts away from the negative, fearful, worrisome, angry, bitter, etc. So how do we "Set our minds?" Set means: "to direct with fixed attention; to place oneself in position in preparation for an action; to apply oneself to some activity"1 To direct, to place, to apply - all three imply intentional action, choice. This scripture could say - choose to set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. The most effective way I know of to accomplish this is to:
1. Know God's truth and promises
2. Be ready for battle
3. Persevere

Tomorrow, I'll go into some detail as to how these 3 things help in the battle for our minds.

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