Thursday, June 28, 2007

Road Noise/Life Noise

Road noise/Life noise
"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13

Hovering around the speed limit of 65, a warm and sunny day, the radio keeping me company, windows open, singing at the top of my lungs, all was well with my world. One of my favorite Christian songs came on and I sang along.

The traffic on Route 287 can get heavy at times especially when the trucks go whizzing by. With my car windows open the road noise periodically drowned out my voice so I couldn't even hear myself. Undeterred, I kept singing. Soon the traffic subsided and once again I could hear my voice. The traffic ebbed and flowed through the duration of the song, I just kept singing. Sometimes I could hear the song, other times I could not. I kept singing.

I couldn't help but ponder how much like life road noise is. Sometimes life-noise around us is so intense we can barely hear ourselves think yet at other times it quiets and we regain awareness of our voice.

What is important is not whether we can hear our voice or not, but rather that our heart continually sings and that it sings truth.

Are you singing truth to yourself, steadfast and immovable, whether you can hear your voice or not? Are you singing God's song as life-noise ebbs and flows drowning out your voice yet knowing that even when you can't hear it, it is still there strong and vibrant? Stand firm, sister, and sing your heart out whether you can hear it through the noise or not.

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