Thursday, December 08, 2005

One Sent

That's what a guest here once told me, she came up to the front desk and asked me for fifty pennies in exchange for two quarters for the children's ministry meeting. She said I need one cent for each child, because that's what a missionary is; it is "One Sent".
She also showed me a very worn Italian Bible, and on the cover it read; La Sacra Bibbia, The Holy Bible. She and her husband were here that week sharing about their work as you guessed it, missionaries in Italy. I thought it was interesting how the Lord just "happened" to send this lady here, and I just "happened" to be the one to help her and she just "happened" to live in Italy. When she said those words; "one sent" it made me want to hear her say more. I never did have the opportunity to do that while she was here.
For me it was a reminder of something the Lord told me to do that I put on the back burner for a while. (Can you imagine, He speaks to my heart and I put it on the back burner. Sometimes I make myself so mad!) He simply said this: "I want you to learn how to speak Italian". My first response was Why? And to who? I have always wanted to go to Italy, actually to Sicily, which is where my family is originally from.
My parents did speak Italian to each other once in a while and some other relatives as well. They played a lot of Italian opera in our house, and as I remember it was really a beautiful sound. I started researching the area and talking to my mom about what she might remember (which was a lot), and I began to have a burden for them and a passion to learn this language so I started to pray about it. Once while in prayer I asked the Lord; "Lord I know you want me to learn this, but if I do I would soon loose it because I have no one to speak it to." And to that He said, "I wouldn't have you learn it and then give you no one to speak it to." It was like a light went on, of course how silly of me, His patience with us never ceases to amaze me!
Since then I have found what I hope to be a really good language program and hope to be well on the way to learning Italian. My first goal would be to learn how to give my testimony in Italian. I still don't know why, where or when He intends to use that but I want to be ready when He does. How thankful we can be that
God's truth is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow in any language!

Giovanni 3:16
Poiche` Dio ha tanto amato il mondo, che ha dato il suo unigenito Figlio, affinche` chiunque crede in lui non perisca, ma abbia vita eterna.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


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