Monday, August 06, 2007

Entering the Holy of Holies

"Entering the "Holy of Holies" - the "Most Holy Place"' - Part 1

How do we get there from where we are? How do I get there from where I am spiritually at present?

By way of introduction, let's look at a little background information in order to better understand where we are seeking to get to and why? What is the "Holy of Holies" or the "Most Holy Place"? Reading through Hebrews 9:1 - 14, we are given a description of the way that the Tabernacle and the Temple were set up and looked on the inside. In verses 1, 2, we are told that the first room was called the Holy Place were there was "the lampstand, the table, and the table with showbread". This is where the people came to worship the LORD. Read v. 3 - 5 - At the front of the Holy Place was a curtain or veil which divided these two parts of the Tabernacle/Temple. This was a heavy woven fabric of "blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and finely spun linen with a design of cherubim worked into it." (Exodus 26:31) Behind this veil was the "Holy of Holies" or "the Most Holy Place" where God's Presence dwelt. His Presence was a fire (flame) between the cherubim that where atop the Ark of the Covenant. God's Presence was waiting within or behind the veil. Jehovah-shammah - "The God who is here".

But we see in v. 6 & 7, that only the High Priest could enter into the "Holy of Holies" and only once a year with blood to make atonement for himself and the sins of the people committed in ignorance which had not been confessed and atoned for previously. First he purified himself by a sacrifice for his sins, then went into the Holies of Holies and sprinkled the blood on the Ark of the Covenant. The people tied a rope around him so that he could be pulled back out in case he had not confessed all and was struck dead. Today the Jewish people celebrate a Day of Atonement, "Yom Kippur", once a year for the forgiveness of sins. Verse 8 - 12, tell us that this Old Testament practice was "a symbol for the present time", but that "the Messiah" - Christ, our High Priest, has come that He "once for His own blood...obtained eternal redemption". On the cross, Christ said, "It is finished."
In verse 22, we read, "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
Continuing reading the rest of the chapter, v. 23 - 28, on your own.


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