Thursday, August 23, 2007

Faith & Rest

Faith and Rest

The deadline was rapidly approaching and I had more to do than time to do it. I was working frantically to complete my course requirements and the stress was building. I was down to the final week. Sunday morning I got up and was preparing to go roller blading before church when my husband asked what I planned to do that day. I replied, "After church I'm going to work on my paper the rest of the day"
As I was roller blading, the Lord began to prompt my heart, "What about a day of rest? What happened to all the things I have taught you?" "But Lord, I have way too much to do to take a whole day off. How would I get everything done?" I countered. "Remember the day of rest is for your benefit, not Mine. I'll give you what you need to get done in one less day" "But Lord, what if I'm wrong and it's not really you prompting me? What if I take the day off and I'm wrong and don't finish?" (When we start statements with "But Lord" we should know something's up).

I didn't make any decision at that moment other than wait until my devotional Bible reading to see if God confirmed it really was coming from Him.

After church I sat down and picked up my reading right where I left off the previous day. Before I completed the first chapter I read: "Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, 'The Lord your God is giving you rest and is giving you this land.'" Now I was really beginning to believe that God wanted me to have faith, trust Him and rest. I continued reading a few more chapters and just to be sure, I pulled a Gideon, "Lord, would you confirm this again, because I sure don't want to be mistaken." Before I finished chapter 4, I was asleep.

Later, I did some reading in a devotional book, in the few short pages the author referred to Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please God..." Then I remembered during church that morning, three different pastors referred to Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please God..."

I took the day off - off from work, shopping, computer, internet, email, groceries, etc. What did I do instead? What would any grandmother do? I played with my granddaughter, of course. I read, and wrestled with our boxer puppies, I went for a walk. I rested.

It was a refreshing day and it recharged my batteries. I had a fresh new perspective the next day. By the way, I completed my school work also and submitted it on time.

With the pace at which most of us live, we need a day of rest. We NEED a day of rest. It may not be Sunday, but pick one day a week that you can be refreshed in the Lord. It will give you better perspective on the other 6 days.


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