Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Forgiven Much

Forgiven Much

"It is when I am aware of sin that I appreciate grace the most."1 ~~ CJ Mahaney

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 (NKJV)

Are you today, right now, in this present-tense moment aware of how much you are and have been forgiven? Do you appreciate grace? Are you daily convicted of sin in your life? Are you passionate for God and His glory? Is your love for God evident? Growing? Increasing in its intensity? When you stand in church on Sunday morning, singing songs to the glory of God, are you affected? Do you daily express your appreciation to/for the Savior who hung as your substitute, receiving the wrath that you and I deserve? Do you lift up your voice and express your gratefulness to the One who not only hung on the Cross...but who rose again from the dead...who has ascended, who is seated at the Right Hand of the Father...who by His generous hand of mercy has regenerated your heart? 2

These are the questions on my mind (for all of us to consider) as I conclude listening to part two of a three-part teaching by CJ Mahaney titled, The Idol Factory 3. I couldn't begin to do justice to the richness of this teaching, so I encourage you to click onto the links at the bottom of the page and listen (be sure to listen to them in order). Your heart will be blessed and your soul convicted of sin... and that is a really, really good thing.

We have been forgiven much by the Holy One, and this one true fact alone ought to humble our hearts before the Lord and cause us to lay down our idols and surrender all the things, the ways of being, which we cling to, and/or justify as "just the way I am" or "just the way I've always been."God forbid that we should settle for less than His best for us. He was good enough to have mercy on all of us and He didn't have to."He paid a debt he did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay.I needed someone to wash my sins away.And now I sing a brand new song: "Amazing Grace."Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay." ~~Unknown Selah

Stephanie Paul is the Director of Women's Addiction Recovery Ministries

1 ibid

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