Thursday, June 25, 2009


"My Dad is stronger than your Dad."  Remember when we were kids bragging on our fathers or mothers and perhaps even embellishing the truth more than a little?  I remember trying to convince some kids that my father was a policeman and they should be afraid, very afraid.  My beloved dad was a machinist, but who would be afraid of a machinist?  

Have you ever noticed in conversations how subtly we "one-up" each other?  Just start talking about scars, and pretty soon people are rolling up their sleeves and pant legs to show off their scars.  How about conversations about harrowing experiences or difficulties with insurance companies?  Each has a bigger, better story to be told.  

Do you know that God actually tells us in His word to "one-up" each other?  Yup.  It was right there in black and white one morning when I was reading the Bible.  Romans 12:10:

Outdo one another... showing honor. 

Imagine what our homes would be like, our marriages, our offices, our churches, our schools if we did just this one thing... 
If we intentionally, consistently, extravagantly, and earnestly sought to outdo one another in showing honor.

Would you commit to intentionally and genuinely show AT LEAST one person honor today?  Go for it. Outdo each other in showing honor.


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