Thursday, July 02, 2009

Forgiveness Two

"If you are harboring a root of bitterness, if you're holding onto unforgiveness, you need to examine yourself and see if you're really a Christian." --Dr. John Gerstner

When I first heard that statement I didn't like the sound of it at all. But as I ponder it, I think it is a fair question for someone to wrestle with.

Forgiveness is characteristic of those who are followers of Christ. If we are who we say we are then we must be marked by forgiveness.

One thing I can guarantee you is this, it ain't easy!! Not even a little bit. But I can promise you this - it is possible. How do I know? With God all things are possible!!

Something that God has to show me again, again and again is at that exact point that I am willing to hold an offense, a hurt, a wrong deed done against my brother or my sister - in that moment - I stand naked before God and in need of forgiveness myself. No exceptions. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

I'm not sorry to tell you that you will never come up with a scenario from your life that will justify the harboring of bitterness, anger and resentment. So without being morbidly introspective, let's ponder the following questions for the purpose of being brutally honest in evaluating our own heart and life.

If you don't think you can be objective in this evaluation, ask someone whom you trust to help you.
* Are you a forgiver? - Do you choose, choose, choose to practice, practice, practice forgiving?
* Do you mull over, nurse, rehearse the things that are done by your husband, family, friends, etc?
* Do you withhold forgiveness until it feels right?
* Are you waiting for the offender to come and seek your forgiveness for hurting you?
* Are you holding them hostage by withholding affection, kindness, patience, love, intimacy, etc?
* Are you entertaining thoughts of how you can get justice?
* Are you praying for them?
* Are you keeping a list and checking it twice?
* Are you a Christian?

Dear sisters, I can tell you from experience and from observation, unforgiveness is poison. It will destroy you while you wait to do the right thing. See Acts 8:23


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