Monday, June 26, 2006

Let your light so shine

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
I read this today and remembered it was my mom's life verse. May 31 is also her birthday. This was not just a life verse, but she lived her life doing good to glorify God, not herself.
As a child, if I were asked, "Dottie, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I'd always reply, "A mother." What I meant was like my mother!"
If Mom were living she would be 107. God took her home to heaven at age 59. She never got to see her five grandchildren. My sister and I wish she could have been there for them. She would have been the greatest grandmother. We know, as she was the greatest mother and wife. God must have welcomed her home!
Mom was a Sunday school teacher, even for me, when I was about six or seven. We found a Sunday School attendance book from the '40's, and as we read all the children she taught, we realized some are serving the Lord with missions or in their church. Many have gone on to heaven.
It was difficult for Mom to memorize verses, perhaps it is for you, but this verse, Matthew 5:16 hung on our kitchen wall over the sink. She went over it often. One day in our church at testimony time, she repeated it out loud! All who heard, especially her family, knew that this verse fit her life. Do others see God's example in you?
Why do I write this? Besides missing her and loving her, she still sets the example and testimony I'd like to follow. She followed Christ! That's my desire, too.
I still have her small red Bible from which she read and taught. Her life verse is underlined; I've underlined mine!
Now at 73 I realize I'll see her soon. I pray I can be an example to my children, grandchildren, family and friends. However, my life has been different. God has given me Romans 8:38 - 39. I have learned through years of illness that God's love is always there. I, too, have memorized my life verse, and God brings it to mind often.
Learn and memorize God's Word - and then live it for Him!


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