Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Blood Covenant

Over the past few months a team of intercessors I pray with regularly have been digging deeper into the study of the blood of Jesus. Our desire is to pray effective prayers as a righteous man that can accomplish much to the glory of our God (James 8:16b). What we are learning is that apart from the blood of Jesus there is no healing, no redemption, no mercy, and no fellowship with the God whom we serve.

When seeking revelation on the blood of Jesus we decided to start at the beginning. Genesis 3:21 tells the story of the very first blood sacrifice. God did it. He killed an animal to make a covering for Adam and Eve when they had sinned. He loved them so much He did not leave them in that place. He made a covering for them. Genesis 4:4 tells us of Abel's offering of blood, and Genesis 8:20 of Noah's offering. By the blood, Abraham and God "cut" a covenant (Genesis 15).

Who could forget the story of Passover when death passed over the homes of the Jewish people who obediently put the blood on the doorpost and lintel (Exodus 11-12). By the blood, the covenant was established with Moses and the Jewish people (Exodus 24). By the blood the Hebrew people could receive forgiveness of sins (Exodus 25:8). God, our holy God, wanted and continues to want to dwell with His people. But the blood was the only way for a holy God to dwell with His people.

Our God is still a covenant God. The Bible is a covenant book. A covenant is a solemn and binding commitment between two or more parties. It is endless. We have the most wonderful privilege to be under a new covenant. There is no need for animal sacrifice. Every time we take communion it is good for us to remember the seriousness and proclaim the promise of the covenant established by the blood of Jesus. We belong to Him. He paid a dear price. If He is your Lord, you are in covenant relationship with Him. Your enemy is His enemy. His enemy is your enemy. He has inscribed you and I on the very palm of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). Jesus said on the cross, "It is finished", and so it is (John 19:30). The assignment was completed. The blood of the Lamb without spot or wrinkle has been sacrificed for all time (1 Peter 1:19).

Therefore, if you have made a decision to enter the covenant relationship available to you by the blood of Jesus, cry out in thanksgiving. God is committed to YOU!! May He find you and me faithful.

Patricia L. Wenzel
WOC Graduate

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