Monday, January 30, 2012


I recently read a comment by Patsy Clairmont, one of my favorite authors and a member of "The Porch" for those of you who are familiar with Women of Faith. It was in the context of something totally different, but she said at the end of a comment she was making that "The purpose of an argument is to resolve conflict not to win."

Winning - a very important concept to so many of us in this day and age. Our favorite athletic teams are only deemed successful if they win. Our politicians are all about winning. Businesses are successful if they "win" the most customers, or are able to corner a larger percent of their particular market than their competitors. Translate that "winning isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing" philosophy to us as individuals, and we get caught up so easily in the "I must win" scenario.

For me, the desire to be a winner all boils down to my pride. I want what I want - and am willing to argue you to death until you say, "OK, you win." And I got what I wanted. It isn't even totally a matter of "I'm right, you're wrong." If I can get you to blink, then I have gotten MY way - right or wrong.

But what does God have to say about pride (and believe me, He has a LOT to say about it)? The verses that always strike a chord with me are Proverbs 6:16-17, "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination with Him: a proud look..." Now I don't know about you, but when God says He hates something, when God says something is an abomination to Him, I think it behooves me to sit up and pay closer attention. And while there are seven things listed that God hates, what is the number one thing on the list? "A proud look" or I have seen it translated as a "haughty spirit."

I have said if before - I struggle with pride. It seems as if I always have. And sometimes when I think I have it "under control," the Holy Spirit taps me on the shoulder, so to speak, and says, "Now aren't you proud that you have overcome your proud spirit." And I go, "duh," because I haven't beaten it back at all. It is still lurking just below (and sometimes not even just below) the surface of my actions or words waiting for me to rise up and proclaim how proud I am for saying or doing something instead of giving God the glory that He has enabled me to do it.

We live in a society which is all about recognition - having someone say we have done a good job or getting an award for having done something. But the ONLY One I want to hear say, "well done" is Jesus when I stand before Him to give an account of all of the things I have done with my life. Oh, I can bask in worldly recognition and get my prideful self all puffed up, but when I get to heaven, none of that will mean one thing. Unless what I have done I have done with the motive of glorifying God, doing HIS will and bringing the recognition to HIM, whatever I have done is meaningless in His eyes (or like "filthy rags" in Isa. 64:6).

So, once again, today, I am praying that Jesus Christ will infuse His humble Spirit into me and begin to make me into His own humble, and ultimately, glorious image.

Lynn Randall

Lynn Randall is the Director of Human Resources at America's KESWICK. She is active in her church and is a gifted planner and organizer. She has a real heart for people as evidenced by her care, concern and practical encouragement.

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