Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Human Lighthouse

t one time we were very dependant on lighthouses along our shorelines to guide ships and travelers, unfortunately many fell into ruin or were torn down. For sailors the light gave direction both during calm seas and during danger. The light was continually burning providing safety, hope and security to those that traveled the shores. Many seaman survived the storms because of the light that shown for miles. Christ is light and does the same thing for us; he provides salvation, hope, security, direction and safety. Christ also calls us to be lights in the world. In Matthew, the reference is related to a city on a hill, which stands out like a lighthouse on the coastline. In Israel there is a city located in the middle of nowhere that literally grows up one side of a large mound - you can see it from miles away. Thinking about that city and our coastal lighthouses brings about the question ~ am I that kind of light? Do I provide safety for others? Do I know how to provide direction to the true Light? The lighthouse keeper is required
to clean the light several times a day as well as refill the lamp constantly. God supplied us with the Word to keep our lamps full and constant union with Christ keeps us clean and on course. Do you know the true light or are you walking in darkness?

"You are the light of the World..." Matthew 5:14-16


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