Wednesday, February 08, 2006

God's Special People

The scriptures tell us to be joyful in our trials, James 1:2; content in our circumstances, Philippians 4:11-13; and to stop complaining and grumbling, Philippians 2:14-15.

It's been over fifteen years ago that I was asked to write for our church newspaper. I wrote an article every other month called "God's Special People". Those I wrote about were testimonies of shut-ins, disabled or elderly in nursing homes - many in wheelchairs. They received recognition of their witness to others, and from the stories written; many of them received notes and cards. I know this as I was in a wheelchair myself, and the first article introduced my column and my life. God is special to me, and I am special to Him! I used my life verse (given to me at age 16): Romans 8:38-39, "nothing can separate me from the love of God".

Recently, I came across the manila folder holding about 20 of the articles I had written. As I read, the tears came. I thought of Fran, a blind girl, who is now in heaven. We talked a lot on the phone and laughed together. I miss her, but today she can see! There was the story about Seybert. He was in a wheelchair, crippled with arthritis and his wife had had polio. What a testimony! Others were in nursing homes, waiting for God to call them home, but still praising God and smiling. All these people were truly special to God and to others.

As I read each one, I realized that all but two of the 20 had died. Why had God allowed me to remain and even continue in Christian ministry with young people and now here at America's Keswick Colony of Mercy with men recovering from addiction? God has plans for our lives. We don't always understand, but we need to accept His will, and most of all, let God be glorified.

I've started a new plan. If possible, I am writing to someone in the family of each of these special people and sending them a copy of the article of their loved one. It will be a reminder of the blessings they had while caring for one of God's Special People.


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