Tuesday, February 07, 2006

No Greater Love

No Greater Love

"Greater love has no man than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."
-- John 15:13
It is so much easier to say those words than it is to think about actually doing them. Most of us are capable of imagining our lives laid down for our children or for someone we greatly love. But who of us would ever begin to contemplate laying down our life for our enemies? It's not even a thought that would come naturally to our conscious or our unconscious thinking. Who could do that? Who would do that? Of course, we all know the answer. Jesus did.
For His friends and for His enemies He died. Such an amazing love is what wooed us to the Cross and led us to lay done our will for His will in our lives. This love enabled us to see the futility of life apart from Him and run into His waiting arms.

How could He love me so? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Have you ever stood in the mirror glimpsing the reality of exactly who you are apart from Him and been brought to your knees in praise?

For me, for you, He endured the Cross. He endured excruciating pain and suffering. He experienced soul crushing despair when He felt the Father's rejection. And yet, in the throes of His agony He seeks forgiveness for the ones who despise Him unto death.

There is no greater love than this. Every insult or accusation hurled at us; every offense we experience; every cut and bruise our egos receive; everything and all that this life has to throw at us, we can bear and we can bear well, because he loves us!

Father, we thank you today for the Gospel. We thank you for loving us while we were still against You. Lord, help us to live today with a grander view of so great a love, and with an increased desire and willingness to share Your love in us, with our friends and our enemies. Gratefully in Jesus name. Amen.


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