Thursday, March 09, 2006

EL Shaddai - The God who can do anything

EL Shaddai - The God who can do anything

Genesis 17:1 "When Abram was ninety-nine years old; the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, I am Almighty God; walk before me and be blameless."

He God must introduce himself as the God who can do anything because he is about ready to tell him that He would give them a child and that Abram would be the father of a nation. You must believe that God can do anything to believe that! And they did - when the finally trusted in God he gave them Jacob. Yes, they tried to do it their own way through Hagar, but when we fall, God does not fail. See God holds us His promises even when we don't hold up our end. We have to quit trusting in ourselves too and trust our lives with the God who can do anything.

As long as we depend on our own skills, abilities, and intellect, we will never know the power of "El Shaddai". But when we do completely depend upon God, we can experience the truth of 2 Corinthians 12:9 - we can have "the Power of Christ".

I know in my life I have often relied on my own strength, my own knowledge and figured I could get through life just fine because of my abilities. Unfortunately God taught me through some tough times, even literally taking away my "physical" strength that I needed Him. No matter how much I think I know - I don't know enough to make it through life without "El Shaddai" working in my life. Note in Genesis God tells Abraham to walk before Him - remember El Roy? This is a direct reminder that you are never out of His sight and therefore He can take care of anything. Then God says "be blameless" - living a life above reproach. That is all that is required if you can the power of God in your life.

God blessed Abraham with a son - Isaac, who had a son Jacob. It is through Jacob's sons that God established his Nation. In Genesis 35:10-11 God changed Jacob's name to Israel because the name Israel means "having power with God". Could God call you Israel? Do you have the power of God in YOU? You can - just get out of the way and let him be the strength and power in your life.


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