Friday, February 15, 2008

Christian Standards and Standards of Christians

Christian standards and standards of Christians

I recently heard a speaker state: "The less you know Scripture, the more you will be dominated by your culture."

The Psalmist states: "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. (Psalm 119:11)

Years ago I heard an evangelist say, "We need to know the difference between Christian standards and standards of Christians."

How do we learn to know the difference between Christian standards and standards of Christians? We get to know God's word. Christian standards are in Scripture and they don't change! Standards of Christians can change from church to church, from state to state, from home to home, and with every whim of our culture.

If we aren't steeped in God's word, we can be swept away and led into wrong beliefs and tactics by our culture.

Our culture says "It's all about me!" God's word says, "It's all about God." "Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." (Isaiah 26:3)

Our culture says "We must accept all religions and offer social diversity."
God's word says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No man comes unto the Father but by Me." (John 14:6)

Many of you are new Christians and are not deeply familiar with Scripture, but you are still faced daily with being dominated by your culture. Buy a paper back, inexpensive Topical Bible. Every topic that is addressed in Scripture is listed in alphabetical order, along with the references. When you have a question, look up the subject in your Topical Bible. Make sure your decisions are based on Scripture. Let's join together to break cultural domination on our spiritual life.

Marilyn Heavilin is a speaker and author, and serves at America's KESWICK as counselor-in-residence during our summer conferences. Her book, ROSES IN DECEMBER is available in the Keswick Book and Gift Shop

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