Monday, March 03, 2008

Agape: God is Love

Agape: God is love
I have been studying a simple yet so, so deep topic- the love of God. Do you understand the agape/ love of God? Here are a few thoughts to help you and I put such an awesome love in perspective. First, we must understand that God doesn't just love but HE IS LOVE! Think about that and if you are like me it is hard to wrap your mind around that great truth. It is hard to fully understand because no one can fully comprehend God. Since God is love what can we understand? Secondly, 1 Corinthians 13 tells us what love (agape) is and is not. Love is long suffering, kind, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and never FAILS. Love is not envious, proud, puffed up, rude, self-seeking, easily provoked, thinking evil nor rejoices in iniquity. Please don't turn this agape love into something small and common. Don't think that the way we love is the way God loves. Heaven forbid! He can love this way and never fail. We, on the other hand, fail to agape all the time. For this very reason we must understand our helplessness to love this way. You and I can't! But God can through us. We need to make clear distinctions that this agape love is not of ourselves but it is love that is of God flowing through us. If you are trying to love the unlovely or love the one who is a thorn in your side right now you won't. You can't muster up this kind of love. Stop trying and focus on the agape of God and let Him work through you. Agape love is a supernatural love. Agape is foundational to the fruit of the Spirit. Agape love comes from the Holy Spirit, who knows the deep things of God. To love with the agape of God is a choice, one we cannot just choose to do apart from Him. Take the time to reflect on our God who is love and ask Him today to bring to your heart that kind of agape; for God first and then for others!
"Agape is not so much a feeling but a response. God commands us to agape. He is commanding us to surrender to an act of His Spirit which results in obedience."- pg 59, Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore

Kathy Withers Kathy is on staff fulltime at the Keswick Book and Gift Shop. She is married to her husband, Dave and has two adult children. Kathy is active in her local church and has previously served as a Teaching Director for Community Bible Study. Her passion is the Word of God and encouraging women to dig deeper into the truths of the Bible.

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