Friday, March 28, 2008

Walking in the Shadows

Walking in the Shadows

John 8:12 tells us that whosoever follows Jesus "shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life."

I got to thinking about that, asking myself how can I follow Jesus and NOT be walking in darkness as it were. Then it dawned on me (no pun intended) that following Him does not mean I am walking in DARKNESS, but walking in His shadow. That makes all the difference in the world. When you are in the shadows, you are not in complete darkness. Rather you are surrounded by light and something or someone is filtering the light. Think of it as reflected light. He surrounds us with His light and it is reflected onto us. Then we, in turn, serve as "Light reflectors" to those with whom we come into contact every day - family, friends, co-workers, and yes, strangers.

Something in our lives - our conduct - should be reflecting Jesus' light to others as we follow in His light. The words we speak, the things we spend our "spare time" doing, the way we dress, the places we go, the things we spend our money on, what we eat (have I hit any nerves yet?) should all be reflections of what would bring Jesus glory and show to others that having Him in our lives is what makes the real difference. When someone leaves after being with us, it should be an opportunity for them to bask in the glorious warmth and light of "the Light of the World."

My prayer for you today - and for me - is that every person I meet will meet Jesus Christ through me, and be drawn to Him because His Light is reflected in my life.

Lynn is the Director of Human Resources at America's KESWICK; is active in her local church; and enjoys serving and encouraging others.

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