Friday, October 30, 2009

All Things are Possible

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19:26

Whenever I hear or read that statement of Scripture my spirit and my soul are encouraged. My spirit is quickened by the simple and pure communion of Spirit speaking to spirit, and as my soul is nourished or replenished I am once again reminded that my help, hope and strength do not come from myself and my paltry human resources. My help comes from the Lord, and therefore, all things are possible! It's not a matter of whether or not it is possible or whether or not He can. I know He can, thus it is possible.

"...'If you can'?" Said Jesus. "Everything is possible for Him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief. ~ Mark 9:23-24

The question, dear ones, is this: do you believe? Do you believe that God is sovereign in all and overall? Do you believe He wills to do and is able to do according to His good pleasure and whatever is for our good?

I don't for a second doubt that most of us know what the truth is about God. Yet we find it difficult in the midst of it, to really and truly believe the words of Christ when He says, "everything is possible."

So, dear sisters, if you find yourself in a hard and difficult place, my encouragement for you today is simple - believe! Yet, if the truth for you today is, "believing is too hard," go to Father God and ask Him to help you overcome. He is always faithful to those whom He loves and who love Him. He will help you!!


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