Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I just want to be Blonde!

"I just want to be Blonde!"

I was sitting in a salon recently getting my hair done and this was part of a conversation I overheard between another patron and her stylist. I felt so sorry for her, she was maybe mid-forties, a pretty lady, but she was hurting. She spent the first few minutes talking to this stylist, she'd never met about how she had a recent break up, her boyfriend left her for someone younger and how she just didn't feel very pretty right now. Well, the stylist offered advice on how she might color her hair and style it, but this woman would not let go of the idea of being blonde. She just had to be blonde! Now let me say in no way was she even close to blonde, but more brownish, blonde was going to be a stretch, but in the world of hair color, anything is possible. So they agreed on a blondish tone base with some highlights. That seemed to satisfy both client and stylist.
As I was sitting there worrying about my own red tones, I couldn't help feeling sorry for her, poor girl; she must not have the Lord, other wise why would she be relying on a hairstyle for a pick-me-up? If she only knew how much God loved her, she would be able to move on and realize a new doo would not heal a broken heart. If I wasn't so busy obsessing over my own hair I would go talk to her. PLEASE!
Now let me confess why I was there, I needed, no I wanted to get my hair done, I mean dyed, cut, something different, something better. I wanted to look better. I wasn't feeling very pretty either and I guess I thought this would help. I tried to get an appointment where I normally go to no avail. The nerve! So instead of waiting a week, I decided I would go someplace new, pretty well known but new none the less. Most women will know what a trying experience it can be to have a new hairdresser. I mean this is important stuff. She better be good. Well, she was ok, but the color was bad, bad, bad. My natural color is not the easiest color to match. I knew when it took her ten minutes to mix the color I was in trouble! But nevertheless I let her do it. Well let's just say it was not quite what I envisioned, however well it covered the grays! (grays? Did she say grays?) After that we would add the blonde highlights and she assured me this would lighten it, and it did. I looked like Lucy Ricardo after too long in the sun! And of course every one in the salon told me how great it looked.
I couldn't wait to go home and wash my red hair! I can say I not only didn't feel any prettier, I felt guilty too. Guilty that I had just spent $140 on something I didn't like and couldn't afford.
I felt like such a hypocrite, pitying this girl when I felt the same way she did! I don't know if she knew the Lord or not, but I do and I still believed the lie of "Look Good, Feel Good".
Little did I know that was the beginning of a work the Lord was doing in me. I needed to get right on the inside with Him first and the countenance that would be reflected on my face and in my eyes from a right heart with God would truly be a beautiful thing.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for maintenance, hair color, lip stick etc...(even as I type this I'm pondering when I can go blonder). But primping and grooming are always so much better as an enhancement to our beauty rather than a mask for our pain and insecurities.
Proverbs 31:30, Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.


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