Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Last words

A few years ago I picked up a little book at Barnes and Nobles called, "Famous Last Words: Fond Farewells, Deathbed Diatribes, and Exclamations upon Expiration" complied by Ray Robinson.
I found some interesting and others humorous. Permit me to share a few:
"Death is nothing, nor life either, for that matter. To die, to sleep, to pass into
nothingness, what does it matter? Everything is an illusion." Mata Hari
"What have I lived for?" Lorenz Hart
"My dear, before you kiss me good-bye, fix your hair. It's a mess." George
"Am I dying or is it my birthday?" Lady Astor
"My mother did it." Arnold Rothstein
"Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something." Pancho Villa
You may wonder why I mention these. As I read this book it made me consider what my last words would be and further, what would I want to be remembered for?
What legacy are you leaving? What do you want to be remembered for? Will you have any regrets? You are leaving a legacy either intentionally or unintentionally. Which do you prefer?
Let me encourage you to give consideration to what statement to you want to make with your life to the generations that will follow you. Once you determine that, live every day in light of that goal with purpose and intention.

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