Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Unorganized and Overwhelmed

Unorganized and Overwhelmed!!
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I! ~~ Psalms 61:2b NKJV
God, hear my cry; pay attention to my prayer. I call to You from the ends of the earth when my heart is without strength. Lead me to a rock that is high above me, for You have been a refuge for me, a strong tower in the face of the enemy. ~~ Psalms 61:1-3 ~~HCSB I am an organized, unorganized person who is sometimes overwhelmed by all my little messes. I can be ultra organized in one area of my home and work and in another be very discombobulated. So much so, that I cease to effectively function and waste huge amounts of time trying to do what I need to do. At its worst I don't function at all and that can create a whole downward spiral ...if...I forget the Rock that is higher than I am.
It's so easy for us earth dwellers to get over-focused on our bit of earth -so to speak- and we forget we have a refuge, a strong tower whom we can run to, even when the enemy that we face is a failure to know how to plan our steps.
Recently during a staff chapel service we were encouraged in the area of time management. Now before you yawn, bear with me. As simple as it sounds, I have to tell you, I was greatly encouraged. More so because it was confirmation of what God had already convicted me of (more than once I might add) in the area of my time and the use of it.
You see, recently my boss had encouraged us to do these weekly reports detailing to her what we accomplished that week. Her reason for this was so we could grow in this area. I had a hard time at first because I would come to the end of my work week and with the one-on-one report in front of me, attempt to remember the week (past tense). This proved frustrating because after I do something and cross it off of my mental "to-do" list, I quickly forget it.
So, I'd come up with a plan for how to remember exactly what I had done and voila, overnight I stepped onto higher ground and it felt good. Being proactive in this one simple area freed me from sitting at my desk racking my brain and feeling frustrated.
This new habit of mine is only a few weeks old so, I still have to consciously choose to do the simple list of things every day to get off to a right start and end my day feeling good knowing I haven't wasted my time or the Lord's time.
Sisters, I don't know whether you are like me or not. Whether you are, or aren't, praise the Lord! Then after you praise Him some more ask Him for help. Ask Him to show you how to take a step forward in whatever area of your life that growth and change needs to take place.

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